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  • Clam.png
  • Boiled clam.jpg
  • Clam-Soup.jpg

Boiled Clam 熟蛤 [500g x 2]

RM 12.90
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1. The pictures of the cooked food is for illustration only. The product you will receive is in frozen form and it needs to be cooked before you consume. Our product does not include condiments. 煮熟的食物图片仅供参考。我们销售的是冷冻食品,需要先煮熟再食用。我们的产品不包含调味品。

Product details:

  • Approximately 500g. 大约500克 
  • Local product, commonly used for Stir-fried lala and Clam Soup in both Chinese and Japanese restaurants. 本地产品, 普遍用在中及日本餐, 例如金香啦啦,上汤啦啦

Health benefits:

  • Provide vitamin B12 for production of red blood cells and protein synthesis. 提供维生素B12以产生红细胞和蛋白质合成
  • Rich in iron for the prevention of anemia. 富含铁可预防贫血
  • Excellent lean source of protein to maintain healthy. 优质的瘦肉蛋白源,可保持健康

Recommended cooking method:

  • Best for stir frying and cook in the soup 最适合炒和煮汤
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